

2021-10-08 14:52:17





曾福庚  教授






[1]Wang D, Zeng F*, Jiang M. Global existence and boundedness of solutions to a two-species chemotaxis-competition system with singular sensitivity and indirect signal production[J]. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2023, 74(1): 33.

[2] Zeng F, Deng Q, Wang D. Global Existence and Blow-Up for the Pseudo-parabolic p (x)-Laplacian Equation with Logarithmic Nonlinearity[J]. J Nonlinear Math Phy 2022, 29(1): 41-57.

[3]Zeng F, Deng Q, Huang Y. Global existence and blow up for a class of pseudo-parabolic equations with logarithmic nonlinearity[J]. R Appl Math 2022, 15: 100308.

[4]Deng Q, Zeng F*, Wang D. Global existence and blow up of solutions for a class of coupled parabolic systems with logarithmic nonlinearity[J].Math Biosci Eng 2022, 19(8): 8580-8600.

[5]Deng Q, Zeng F*, Jiang M. A singular non-Newton filtration equation with logarithmic nonlinearity: global existence and blow-up[J]. CR Mecanique 2022, 350(G2): 269-282.

[6]Zeng F, Huang Y, Shi P. Initial boundary value problem for a class of p-Laplacian equations with logarithmic nonlinearity[J]. Math Biosci Eng 2021, 18(4):3957-3976.


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